Dilip Thiagarajan
B.A., Cornell University '18
M. Eng., Cornell University, '19
Herndon, VA



Welcome! My name is Dilip Thiagarajan. I'm originally from Herndon, VA.

I have a technical blog here, with posts about things that I'm working on in my spare time. Take a look!

I am currently an AI Engineer at Paige AI. Previously, I was at Facebook, on their Business Integrity team, working towards detecting building ML systems to detect and reduce prevalence of harmful political ads across FB apps. Before that, I was doing research with Cornell Tech and Facebook AI on anomaly detection for fake IDs (e.g. drivers licenses), and before that I was working on the Ads Content Understanding team under Facebook Ads Ranking.

I’m interested broadly in the application of computer vision in medical applications, as well as Bayesian machine learning, and statistical learning. I’m also interested in more unconvential applications of machine learning, such as in sports - I’m fascinated with the derivation and usage of characteristic statistics in analyzing performance of NBA players. Ask me about ideas I have and things I’m working on for projects with respect to data from the NBA!


Here's my resume as of September 2018. It's also listed under the about tab.